September 14, 2025
- You are invited to join us for a trail ride in the scenic Paintearth coulee, there will be a BBQ supper to follow for all the riders. All funds raised by the riders will be used to support our camp horse program.
To sign up for the trail ride please call 403-884-2444 or email [email protected] and let us know how many riders, and if you are riding your own horses or need to use camp horses.
Enjoy a 4-hour ride through the Paintearth Coulees.
- Where: Halkirk Circle Square Ranch
- When: September 14, 2025
- Time: Ride starts at 1 pm, supper to follow at 5 pm
- Amount: fundraise a minimum of $100, an additional $50 to rent a camp horse
- Contact the camp office to reserve a horse.